7 language versions available:

  1. English
  2. Bilingual Traditional Chinese
  3. Bilingual Simplified Chinese
  4. Bilingual Traditional Pinyin Chinese
  5. Bilingual Simplified Pinyin Chinese
  6. Bilingual Traditional Zhuyin Chinese
  7. Bilingual Traditional Jyutping Cantonese Chinese

3 Free coloring printable

Christmas Cards

Introducing our Colouring Chinese Christmas Cards! Choose from three cute designs:

  1. Christmas tree
  2. Santa Claus
  3. Gingerbread man

These blank printables are perfect for adding a personal touch. Send wishes in English and Bilingual Chinese.

Select from Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, or Happy Christmas greetings.

These cards are not only fun but also a great tool for writing messages to loved ones during this special season.

Spread cheer in multiple languages with Edkids Home's Colouring Chinese Christmas Cards.

Wishing you a season full of fun, creativity, and joyous learning!

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