free customizable printable

There are six different color versions you can choose from.

7 Language versions available:

  1. English
  2. Bilingual Traditional Chinese
  3. Bilingual Simplified Chinese
  4. Bilingual Traditional Pinyin Chinese
  5. Bilingual Simplified Pinyin Chinese
  6. Bilingual Traditional Zhuyin Chinese
  7. Bilingual Traditional Cantonese Chinese

You can edit the printable via Canva digitally before printing it off.

stay organized with a editable

Weekly Planner

Are you looking for a visual weekly planner to help your child stay organized and teach them responsibilities?

Look no further than our Editable Visual Weekly Planner for Kids!

This free, comprehensive planner provides over 130 activity cards in both English and Bilingual Chinese that your little one can customize with important tasks they have to accomplish each day.

Our Editable Visual Weekly Planner is a practical tool for parents and caregivers who want their kids to stay focused on completing tasks, encouraging discipline and independence along the way.

Download our free weekly planner now and start helping your kiddo learn responsibility!

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