Do you want to teach your kids the responsibility of caring for indoor house plants? It can be difficult to keep track of what each plant needs and when to water them. This is why we've created this free printable: Indoor house plant care checklist – so you and your kids can quickly check off which plant needs care for each day.
The free indoor house plant care checklist printable is available in English and Chinese (Traditional, Simplified, Zhuyin, and Pinyin).
As well, you can customize the printable via Canva digitally or print out the sheet and glue a picture of the plant on top.
Its kid-friendly design makes taking care of houseplants fun! Get started today with our indoor house plant care checklist!
After introducing this printable to my 5-year-old daughter as a chore, she has been taking care of house plants on a regular basis. She will look at the printable everyday to see which plant needs to be care for.
Read: 5 Easy Steps for Introducing Kids to Indoor House Plants
Indoor House Plant Care Checklist
Age recommendation: 4+ years old
Languages available: English, Chinese (Traditional, Simplified, Zhuyin, and Pinyin)
There are 4 house plant slots available in the checklist. You can print more pages if you have more than 4 house plants in the house.
There are 5 options you can choose for taking care of each plant:
- Water / 淋水 / 浇水
- Mist / 噴水 / 雾化
- Fertilize / 施肥
- Clean / 清潔/ 干净
- Prune / 修剪
How to Use Indoor House Plant Care Checklist
Using a whiteboard marker, you check the boxes under each care option you would like for each plant.
Once your child completes the plant care duties that are assigned to them, they can draw a checkmark on the circle checkmark icon on the right.
Once all the plant care duties are completed, you can wipe it with a wet paper towel or use a whiteboard eraser.
We like to put this on the fridge and stick it with a magnet. Every morning, my 5-year-old daughter will take it and start taking care of the house plants according to the checklist.
Once she's done, she will mark them all with the checkmark on the right. Afterwards, she will stick it back on the fridge.
You will need to wipe it clean on a daily basis. Please comment below if you would like a weekly house plant care checklist.
Prepare the Indoor House Plant Care Printable
You can customize the printable in two different ways – either digitally or manually.
Digital Customization
You can use Canva to customize this printable digitally. It is free to become a member.
3. Simply drag an image to the existing picture frame (please see the left image)
4. Type the plant name below the image.
5. Click the ‘Share' button in the top right corner.
6. Click on the ‘Download' button to download the file.
7. Select file type ‘PDF Print'.
8. Select the page you want to print.
9. Click on the ‘Download' button.
10. Open the file using PDF Adobe Reader.
11. Print the file (portrait orientation).
12. Laminate the printable.
Manual Customization
Here are the steps for manual customization:
1. Print the PDF checklist printable.
2. Print the plant images and ensure the image size is 3cm x 3cm.
3. Glue the plant images on top of the image icons.
4. write down the plant names below the plant images.
5. Laminate the printable.
Plant Activities for Kids
Here are some recommended plant activities for kids:
- How the Stem Works by Dyeing Flowers – The Pinay Homeschooler
- 12 easy and fun spring activities for kids – Playful Notes
- Must-Try Plant Activities Kids Will Love!– The Kindergarten Connection
- 12 Fun Garden Activities To Do With Your Kids – Blog Jungseed
- Montessori Practical Life – Caring for a Plant – Mamas Happy Hive
More Chart Printables for Kids
Here are some more free printables you can introduce for your kids to make your lives easier:
- Free Morning and Evening Routine Charts Printable: English, Chinese, French
- 13 Tips: How to Motivate Child to Practice Instrument (Music Practice Chart)
- Encourage Good Behavior With These Free Reward Charts
Download: Free Indoor House Plant Care Checklist
Have fun caring for your indoor house plants. Your kids will love the feeling of accomplishment when caring for them and learning about the responsibility that comes with it.
You can rest assured knowing that you have an indoor house plant care checklist that makes it easier to keep track of which plants need what type of care each day. Download the free checklist now!